Sunday, July 1, 2007


I feel like I just woke up from some deep slumber... the past three weeks sped by me with a speed and intensity that left me literally almost breathless and in a daze ... Wow. So much has happened in so little time. I think what makes the events of those weeks even more intense is the fact that I was taken completely by surprise... I think it was this past Friday night that I decided I'd had enough... I paused, took a deep breath and stopped EVERYTHING. Spent the night cuddled with Jacob on the couch watching some random movie...

I've felt a lot better since then... less hassled... less stressed. Anyway, it's 6:41 AM, and I've been up all night... I'm going to bed now, but will post when I get up... whenever that is... It feels good though... to be 'me' again... :-)

Oh... Posted some random pictures today...


Anonymous said...

Welcome back. Hope you are okay. Anonymous comments are not allowed on your photo blog, so I will say here instead that your pictures are wonderful. I love the lonely park bench. Are your pictures published on Shutterchance or some other photo site on the internet?

Idemili said...

Yay! You're back.

Tori said...

Heey, I hope you are okay, and that sanity has truly returned... :)

Yeah, what you said works, but firefox is not very secure with saved asswords. All you have to do to see anyones passwords is go into password manager and they are written out there for the world to see. I want my computer to just save the cookie.

Noella said...

Honey, I don't understand the post, what happened this weekend???

diary of a G said...

good to have you back
I hope the season finale of the sopranos didn't disappiont you too much

welcome back

Perfectly Human said...

Hey lady! Thanks for stopping by my blog. lol @ being gay. You don't have to worry about that! I'm a silent reader of your blog as well, lol.

Anonymous said...

hey monie,i hope you are doing oka!it is well!take it easy girl!