Monday, July 16, 2007


I love this weather. It's raining and all I hear is the splatter of raindrops and loud claps of thunder. Really loud. Save the glow of my laptop, it's pitch black in here. I had been lying in bed half asleep when a particularly loud thunder clap jerked me awake. I sat up in bed and sat there for a couple of minutes. Just listening to the sounds aside.. :-) Now I'm online writing this... Why? I don't know... It felt right.

I'm going back to bed in a couple of minutes, but before I do that, I'm going to turn off my laptop, curl up on my couch, and watch the rain and the lightning through my wide open window... I know there are people out there who don't believe in God, but on nights like this, how can you not? :-)


Idemili said...

Well, I guess if you were grounded in science and all...

Great post Monie. I'm hating the weather here right now but I guess if it were thunderng African style, I wouldn't mind.

Andrew F. Alalade said...

Monie, whazzup? Are you sure something hasn't been bothering you lately? You keep getting out of bed....Easy ooooh!

An-Igbo-Dude said...

weather not that bad in lasgigi

u still sleeping?

O. said...

its need to rain here!! it sooo hot.

diary of a G said...

when I hear those thunder claps
roaring in the skies
I relaise How great the almighty is

hey monie lisa

Andrew F. Alalade said...

Monie, where have you been? C'mon update your blog site!!!!!!!!!!!

Ejura said...

Yes God is great but gurl am I scared of lightening!
What I do is cover up all the mirrors cos I hear it could easily strike em. Fact or myth-je ne sais pas. And I don't like sleeping with my windows open. All the stories I've heard from the village and beyond don't help any. An owl hoots and we go Blood of Jesus. The dog howls and we do same. Fear
It's raining here in Abuja but no thunders yet. It rains unfailingly every Sunday and I wonder why. SUN day. SUN should be sunny abi. Anyhow I'm under my umbrella ella ella eh eh eh...